Taking part in the New Milton Music Festival
You can enter by applying on-line from the Syllabus page or by using this paper form which you can print off and fill in. Once you have done this you can send it to the appropriate section secretary along with a cheque for the fees.
We are currently accepting entries to the 2025 festival.
Audience tickets
There is a £2 entrance fee for adult spectators of festival classes. We are most grateful for all donations that help us cover our costs and keep the participant fees low.
Tickets for the Gala Concert will be available on the door and in advance.
- Competitions are restricted to amateurs, an amateur being one whose main occupation is not in teaching or performing the subject covered by the class.
- Entries must reach the Section Secretary by or before the closing date (8th February 2025), accompanied by the appropriate fee(s). On-line entries will only be accepted and processed once payment is received by the closing date (see also reg 15).
- A performer's age is reckoned as on 1st September 2024.
- An entry by a competitor under 18 shall be submitted or signed by a person over 18 on the competitor's behalf.
- The submission of a paper entry form or on-line entry shall be deemed as acceptance of the Regulations of the Festival by the competitor or signatory.
- Notice of withdrawal should be made in good time to the Section Secretary. The entry fee will be forfeited.
- A maximum of 4 entries per person, across all classes.
- A copy of Own Choice music must be brought on the day for the adjudicator. Photocopies are allowed ONLY if the piece to be performed has been selected from a collection already purchased by the competitor.
- All solos should be performed with piano accompaniment unless expressly written for unaccompanied instrument or voice. Audio backing tracks will be allowed for groups or choirs (own equipment to be used). No audio or backing tracks or microphones to be allowed in any other circumstance.
- If the OFFICIAL ACCOMPANIST is required then their fee must be included with the entry. Music or photocopies for the official accompanist MUST reach the Section Secretary by 1st March 2025. The original, not photocopies, must be used for the performance.
- Competitors are asked to keep to the time limits so that classes do not overrun.
- Competitors are invited to announce their chosen piece; should a competitor prefer, the class steward will do so.
- Certificates are awarded in the following categories: COMMENDED, HIGHLY COMMENDED, MERIT, DISTINCTION and HONOURS. Trophies are awarded to Class winners, usually for Merit, Distinction or Honours, at the adjudicator's discretion.
- The adjudicator's decision is final.
- Payment: Cheques are to be made payable to NEW MILTON MUSIC FESTIVAL. If entering on-line, payment can be made by cheque or bank transfer or PayPal.You MUST quote the on-line booking reference number for any on-line method of payment.
- For ALL entries, including school or large group entries, please ensure a personal contact tel. no. for the leader (NOT the school number) is given on entry form.
- ITEMS FOR THE CONCERT, to be held on Sunday 23rd March 2025 at ARNEWOOD SCHOOL, will be by invitation and also at the adjudicator's recommendation: competitors will be contacted by telephone after the close of the competitions, or on the Saturday afternoon/early evening.
- If you entered the festival last year in a graded class we usually expect that you will enter the next grade up this year. If you won a medal last year we request that you definitely enter the next grade up this year.
Categories of adjudication
- Commended
- A performance showing development of technique and/or communication.
- Highly commended
- A capable performance showing some artistic appreciation and/or technical ability.
- Merit
- A convincing performance technically and artistically.
- Distinction
- An excellent performance technically and artistically.
- Honours
- An exceptional performance, both technically and artistically.